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LCMS West Media Center

Our Media Center

The Lee County Middle School West Campus Media Center is home to over 12,000 books, videos, and other materials. We are open daily from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. whenever school is in session. Students are welcome to visit the library before first bell, during the school day with teacher's permission, and after school as well.

Checking out books

Students may have up to 2 books checked out at a time. Books are due back 2 weeks after they are checked out. Fines for overdue books are $.05 per day. Students must pay for any lost or damaged books.

Online Library Catalog

Our library uses the Destiny library system and has an online search engine. Library patrons may search for any book in our library collection from any Internet connected computer. Searches may be done by book title, author’s name, subject, or keyword. Click HERE to access our library catalog online. 

Our Staff

Additional Services

  • Teachers may sign up to bring an entire class to the library for research, media skills lessons, and assistance on major projects.
  • Teachers may turn in technology troubleshooting requests to the media center.
  • The media staff is available to help students and teachers with materials, presentations, and technology issues.
  • Internet Use Policy
  • LCMSW Chromebook Usage Agreement Form
  • Library Catalog