Sixth grade classes are all standards based, where the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) drive the teaching, learning, and assessment. The GSE provide students with rigorous academic challenges that enable students to gain knowledge and develop skills needed to succeed in college and/or careers. The sixth grade curriculum, regardless of team configuration and delivery model, includes the following:
Reading and Language Arts
In reading and language arts classes, students are exposed to a variety of genres in both reading and writing. In sixth grade, students will read several pieces of fiction and nonfiction texts including narrative, dramatic, poetic, historical, scientific, informative, and technical texts. Students will also learn writing strategies specific to writing personal narratives, informative text, responses to literature, and opinion pieces. The classroom format includes read-alouds, mini lessons, reading strategies, vocabulary in context and across the curriculum, small group work, peer editing, informal and formal assessments, independent practice, performance tasks, and conferencing. To learn more about the curriculum go to GSE English Language Arts.
The GSE for grades 6-8 include skills and knowledge – what students need to know and be able to do, as well as mathematical practices – habits of mind that students should develop to foster mathematical understanding and expertise. In Grade 6, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking. In addition to the traditional grade 6 math class mentioned above, an accelerated mathematics class is also offered in grade 6. This curriculum permits students to be accelerated to the highest level of math tailored to their ability level. Each student involved in this curriculum has the opportunity to reach his/her highest potential in math. Students in this course are taught all of the 6th grade state math curriculum and the first ½ of the 7th grade state math curriculum. To learn more about the curriculum go to GSE Mathematics.
Sixth grade science focuses on earth science, and the broad areas of study are geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and natural resources. To learn more about the curriculum go to GSE Science.
Social Studies
Sixth grade social studies includes the history, government, economy, geography, culture, and religion of the key countries in Europe and Latin America, Canada, and Australia. To learn more about the curriculum go to GSE Social Studies.
Sixth grade students also take a variety of connections classes throughout the year. Click here to see more about the connections offerings.
Additional Services
For information about gifted education, special education, and Title I services, visit our Additional Services page.